3rd Annual Political Epistemology Conference
Dec. 7-8, 2022
Keynote speakers
Briana Toole (Claremont McKenna College)
Aidan McGlynn (University of Edinburgh)
Jana Bacevic (Durham University)
click here
Conference Programme (PDF w/ abstracts)
Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
Wednesday, December 7
8.30–8.50 Coffee and Registration
8.50–9.00 Introduction
9.00–10.00 Keynote: Aidan McGlynn (he/him) (University of Edinburgh)
Epistemic Injustice: Phenomena and Theories
Lightning talk session
10.15–10.30 Sonja Riegler (she/they) (University of Vienna)
A Functionalist Approach to Ignorance and its Relevance for Political Epistemology
10.30–10.45 Ahmed Aljuhany (University of Calgary)
Entrenched Ideas Die Hard: Why Pernicious Ignorance Persists in the Science and Politics of Sexuality
10.45–11.00 Natascha Rietdijk (Tilburg University)
Collective gaslighting and collective self-trust
11.00–11.10 Break
11.10–11.25 Keith Raymond Harris (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Misinformation and collective activity
11.25–11.40 Tanuj Raut (UC Irvine)
Are prejudices like hinges?
11.40–11.55 Hugo Ribeiro Mota (University of Oslo)
Argumentative and non-argumentative approaches to social deep disagreements
11.55–12.15 Break
Regular papers
12.15–13.00 Emma Young (they/them) (University of Groningen)
Feminist Standpoint Theory, Ideology, and Deference
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–14.45 Flora Löffelmann (they/them) (University of Vienna)
Investigating Rhetoric-Epistemic Oppression by the example of trans* experiences
14.45–15.30 Sarah Stein Lubrano (University of Oxford)
Cognitive Dissonance, False Consciousness, and Standpoint Theory
15.30–15.45 Break
15.45–16.30 Uğur Aytaç and Enzo Rossi (Utrecht University & University of Amsterdam)
Ideology critique without morality: a radical realist approach
16.30–17.15 Cat Saint-Croix (University of Minnesota)
Epistemic Virtue Signaling, Code-Switching, and the Double-Bind of Testimonial Injustice
19.00 Conference Dinner
Location: Hemelse Modder, Oude Waal 11, 1011 BZ Amsterdam
Thursday, December 8
8.30–8.50 Coffee
8.50–9.00 Introduction
9.00–10.00 Keynote: Jana Bacevic (Durham University)
Epistemic what? () Positioning, () injustice, and the political economy of knowledge production
Lightning talk session
10.15–10.30 Nora Kindermann (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Fundamentalism as a contested concept
10.30–10.45 Megan Hyska (Northwestern University)
Political Movements as Units of Explanation
10.45–11.00 Stephanie Deig (she/they) (University of Lucerne)
Performing Resistance: Rights-Claiming Practices and Epistemic Friction in the Ni una Menos Movement
11.00–11.10 Break
11.10–11.25 Merel Talbi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
A Political Epistemology of Space: How we can Foster Deliberation by Altering the Physical Environment
11.25–11.40 Egbert de Jong (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Enhancing the feasibility of the ideal of deliberative democracy as a coping mechanism for wicked problems
11.40–11.55 Moritz A. Schulz & Simon Scheller (University of Bamberg)
Being a Believer: Social Identity in Post-truth Political Discourse
11.55–12.15 Break
Regular papers
12.15–13.00 Erica Yu (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
How should representatives change their mind in deliberations?
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–14.45 Amelia Godber and Gloria Origgi (EHESS)
Telling propaganda from legitimate political persuasion
14.45–15.30 Neri Marsili and Michel Croce (Universitat de Barcelona & University of Genoa)
Trusting the wrong sources: Pseudo-experts & belief in conspiracy theories
15.30–15.45 Break
15.45–16.30 Joey Pollockand Kim Pedersen Phillips (University of Oslo & King's College London/Oslo Metropolitan University)
Scientific Communication and Misinterpretation
16.30–17.15 Gabriele Contessa (Carleton University)
Public Trust in Science and the Socio-Epistemic Infrastructure
17.15–17.30 Break
17.30–18.30 Keynote: Briana Toole (Claremont McKenna College)
Trojan Horse Speech and Coded Discourse
18.30 Closing Remarks
Jeroen de Ridder (VU Amsterdam / University of Groningen)
Thirza Lagewaard (VU Amsterdam)
Solmu Anttila (VU Amsterdam)